Rice Athletics is committed to excellence in and out of the classroom. Our program is based on a foundation of commitment to working hard and getting better every day! From the girls' program to the boys' program, we encourage all athletes to participate in as many sports as possible, knowing that the more participation you have, and the more competitive the environment. This allows us to move towards our goal of advancing beyond district and reaching for the greatest possible outcome each and every season.
Our coaches and faculty are here to encourage, motivate, and guide these young women and men to become the best classmates, teammates, and leaders possible. All of this is made possible by the full support of the Rice ISD administration, School Board and community that wants the absolute best for our children.
Meet the Coaches:
Dalton Tharp
Head Baseball/ Asst Football
Steve Burkett
Asst Football/Head Boys Track
Antonio Burks
Girls Coordinator/Head Girls Basketball/Track
Chris Bruce
Asst Football/Basketball/Track
Ben Barlow
JH Football/JH Basketball/HS Baseball
Gennard Johnson
Defensive Coordinator/Head Boys Powerlifting/ Track
Channing Coffey
Head Boys Basketball/Asst Football/Track/Tennis
Wilson Campbell
Boys Tennis
Kylee Fowler
Head Volleyball/JH Basketball/Asst Softball
Cheyenne Fults
Head Softball/Asst Volleyball
Shelby Harralson
Head Girls Powerlifing/JH Volleyball/Track

Morgan Allen
Cross Country/Head Girls Track
Kiara Glenn
Girls Basketball/JH Volleyball/Track